How to Fluently Read & Recite the Holy Quran?
For Muslims, Quran is ultimate guidance and the solution to each and every problem they face in life. Quran helps them get reward, find answer to their problems, used as a means of invocation and it also contains guidelines which they learn and incorporate in their daily life to ensure that they stay on the path of righteousness.
When such attributes and purposes are associated with Quran, it becomes quite natural that Muslims wish to read it in the best manner possible. Therefore, when a Muslim child comes of age, the parents make sure that he or she receives a Quran teacher that can help them in fluent reading and recitation of Holy Quran. However, there are others who don’t receive such attention in their early life, but in the later age they understand the importance of fluent recitation of Quran and want to work on it. The lines below discuss some tips that can help a Muslim in fluent reading and recitation of Holy Quran.
Select A Role Model:
Until and unless you don’t have a role model in your mind, you never know what you are pursuing. Thus, when you don’t know what you are pursuing it is quite natural that things happen haphazardly and you end up being nowhere. Before you start working on your Quran recitation fluency, it is imperative that you know the level, which you want to reach in your fluency. In this regard, you must have some ideal recitor of Quran, the recitation of whom impresses you the most and whom you would like to emulate. Therefore, working on Quran recitation starts with idealizing a professional recitor and observing the kind of recitation he does and the elegance that is present in his elocution.
Try To Understand The Meaning:
The fluency in recitation has a great relationship with understanding. In learning a language, one becomes fluent in it if one knows what he or she is speaking. Similarly, when it comes to fluent reading and recitation of Quran it also has a strong relation with the meaning of the words. The more a person knows the meaning of the words of Quran, the better feeling is developed and the better is a person able to recite Quran. Therefore, understanding the meaning of the words or the passage you are about to read helps greatly in developing a feeling that helps in better recitation ,reading and learning of Quran.
Know The Rules:
The science of Quran recitation is called ‘Tajweed’. The knowledge of Tajweed tells a person about the rules that are to be followed in Quran recitation in general. When one knows the rules, he or she is able to pronounce the words in the right manner, which ultimately leads to greater fluency. Therefore, knowing the rules of Tajweed is of grave importance and a Muslim must make sure that he or she finds a Quran tutor who tells them about the rules of Tajweed which then helps and assists them in achieving fluency while reciting Quran.
If you are interested in learning the Holy Quran with tajweed, then you can also avail the professional teaching services of Quran Tutor.
Never Feel Embarrassed:
Another major factor that can help in increasing the fluency in recitation and reading of Quran is the letting go of the feeling of embarrassment. People don’t recite Quran in a loud voice or read it in public places or whenever people are around because they feel that they might commit some mistake and that would bring embarrassment to them. This one feeling needs to be avoided and one should practice reciting and reading Quran out loud whenever the chance becomes available.
Practice does make a man perfect and it applies to any kind of learning. Quran recitation and reading is a skill, which can be improved with the passage of time. The more a person is able to practice Quran with consistency the more it adds to the proficiency in the fluency of a person. Therefore, no matter if you read a single page or a whole Para of Quran, make sure you do it one consistent bases so that your mind and tongue remains accustomed to the Arabic words and their recitation, which eventually leads to a better and fluent Quran reading process.
Utilize The Prayers:
If you are in the habit of offering prayers five times a day, then it is one of the best means available to you for increasing your fluency in Quran recitation. The prayers five times a day are an excellent chance for you to practice the recitation of Quran. You can apply the rules of Tajweed to the remembered Surahs during their recitation in prayers and see how it affects your overall recitation process. When you recite Quran in the best way possible during all the prayers, it eventually leads to increased proficiency and fluency.
Try Learning Arabic:
Although it may seem a hard thing to do, however, a knowledge of Arabic grammar or a little of its vocabulary can help greatly in increasing the fluency in reading and recitation of Quran. When you know a few words in terms of their meanings and pronunciation, Learning the Arabic meanings help you develop the feeling while the pronunciation helps in rightful elocution. Both these elements when combined help make the reading and recitation process more fluent and error free.
In a nutshell, as important it is for a Muslim to understand the verses of Quran to find the message it wants to convey, one should also make sure that he or she recites Quran in the most beautiful and eloquent manner to take pleasure out of its recitation and reading.