Attributes of Allah Swt In Ayat Ul Kursi
The Holy Quran is last Sacred Book of Allah Almighty which was revealed on the last Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). It not only consists of parables from the nations of the previous Prophets, providing us with great lessons, but also has such chapters and verses which let us know about our purpose of existence and elaborate the Greatness of Lord. Out of many forceful lines from this Divine Manuscript, Ayat ul Kursi is that One stanza, which glorifies the Exalted One in the very best way, and is considered to be the best verse of the Holy Quran.
Ubayy Bin Ka’b (R.A) narrated the Messenger (PBUH) of Allah saying as:
“Abu Mundhir! Do you know which ayat in Allah’s Book is the greatest one? I said: ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ The Prophet (PBUH) again said: ‘Do you know which ayat in Allah’s Book, according to you, is the greatest?’ I (Abu Mundhir) replied: ‘It is ‘Allah la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum…’’ [2:255] thereupon, the Prophet (PBUH) patted me on the chest and said, ‘Rejoice by your knowledge, O Abu Mundhir!’ (i.e., may this knowledge be a source of respect, honor and benefit to you).” (Muslim)
As, this Ayah is all but the Veneration of the Almighty God, that is why it is regarded as the supreme verse of all and therefore Ayat ul Kursi carries many benefits. It was named as Ayat ul Kursi by the Apostle (PBUH) of Allah, whose literal meaning is the “Verse of the Lord`s Throne”, as it explains well the Highest Characteristics of Allah such as His Existence, Autonomy, Control and Perception. This and the last two verses of Surah Baqarah are considered as the greatest guard against the evil of Shaitaan.

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The Greatest Attributes of Allah SWT covered in Ayat ul Kursi are discussed below:
- Allah – There is No Deity Except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [All] Existence
In the beginning of these astounding Quranic lines, one testifies about the Oneness of Allah Almighty, and also that there is no one else entitled to be worshipped or adored as Him. This is also the primary requirement for acceptance of Islam and the utmost part of a Muslim`s faith. He is Self-Sustainer and have no need of anyone else`s help in His matters. He has been around from unimaginable times, and is Ever-Lasting. “Qayyum” is Allah`s power of being the One Who will live forever. Nothing can exist without His Order and Will and He is Enough for all that lies in this world and in the entire universe.
By properly understanding its meaning, the one who recites it gains the desired attention of the Gracious God by accepting His Supreme Status and Authority over everything.
- Neither Drowsiness Overtakes Him Nor Sleep
The second important part of Ayat ul Kursi emphasizes on Allah`s ability of Knowing everything. He is Ever-Noticing all the matters, as He does not require any kind of slumber like an ordinary man does. He can never be negligent or unaware of a single thing that is happening around the world and the whole system of His creations. His Understanding of everything is just perfect, His Knowledge is complete and nothing can be hidden from Him.
This line enhances the awareness of a Muslim about Allah`s Knowledge of every stuff concerning life which results in His increased obedience.
- To Him Belongs Whatever is in the Heavens and Whatever is On the Earth
Everything that lies in this world and beyond one`s imagination that exists in the far corners of the universe including heaven is owned by the Almighty Lord. So, humans too belong to Him and must return to Him eventually, as Allah SWT says in the Holy Quran:
“There is no one in the heavens and earth but that he comes to the Most Merciful as a servant. He has enumerated them and counted them a [full] counting. And all of them are coming to Him on the Day of Resurrection alone.” [Quran, 19: 93-95]
It is evident that possession of a thing implies that the owner has got all the right over it. Since, our lives are temporary and are in the custody of the Exalted One, so this line from “the Verse of Throne” directs us to take this world as a momentary place to live, and that one should think about its return to God.
- Who is it that Can Intercede with Him Except by His Permission?
This branch of Ayat ul Kursi tells about Allah`s Absolute Power over everything, and that no one else could intervene in His matters except His Authorization. As, the idolaters used to take their idols as enough to save them from all miseries of life, so Allah SWT says that nothing can mediate in His court on one`s behalf, but what He permits like the intercession of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Quran, and other Prophets etc.
So, it is basically a reminder for not asking anyone else but the Almighty about one`s needs, worship no one else but Him.
- He Knows What is [Presently] Before them and What will be After them
It explains that Allah SWT has the complete knowledge about what has been done in the past, what is being done now and what is going to happen. His Wisdom is inconceivable and absolute about everything which He will never forget.

“[Gabriel said], ‘And we [angels] descend not except by the order of your Lord. To Him belongs that before us and that behind us and what is in between. And never is your Lord forgetful.’” [Quran, 19: 64]
This constituent of Ayat ul Kursi is the testimony of complete knowledge of the Almighty about every aspect of life, which requires one to repent on past sins, live according to Islamic instructions and pray for righteous future in order to be known among the true believers near Allah.
- And they Encompass Not a Thing of His Knowledge Except for What He Wills
The Awareness of the Almighty about everything in the universe cannot be imagined by any normal being. He has created everything, and has control over their knowledge. Only He decides to whom some of His comprehension needs to be spread among, like the Prophets, who were given some insight so that they could prove their Prophet Hood.
“[He is] Knower of the unseen, and He does not disclose His [knowledge of the] unseen to anyone. Except whom He has approved of Messengers, and indeed, He sends before each Messenger and behind him observers.” [Quran, 72: 26-27]
It means that this fraction of Ayat ul Kursi also tells about Allah`s Understanding about His creations is exclusive, which He chooses to bestow on certain people, who are the most virtuous ones. Therefore, if one wants to know about the reality of life, it has to first reach the stage of righteousness to be able to gain out of Allah`s Wisdom.
The overall implication of Ayat ul Kursi is that its reader confirms the Greatness of Allah SWT in a comprehensible manner. That is why, it is considered as the best Ayah to recite among all the verses of Furqan e Hameed.