Helpline Call Numbers From Holy Quran
The Holy Quran is a Sacred Book of Allah SWT that is revealed on his Last Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. The believers of this Hallowed Manuscript are generally known as Muslims. It not only consists of stories from the past nations and Prophets, but also has Instructions and Guidelines which are equally applicable to all human beings living on the surface of the earth.
Apart from general teachings on way of life, Furqan e Hameed also contains countless verses which serve as a great source of spiritual healing of heart and soul. Therefore, everyone should consult the Holy book and learn the Quran Kareem because it reminds one about its dependence on Allah SWT in every matter of life and that He is the Only One, Who could make everything right.

Read These Ayah’s of Particular Surahs for Distinct Matters to seek Guidance from Allah Almighty
Some of the Ayahs of the Holy Quran that assist in gaining the way of righteousness are as follows while the above infographic features many other references of Quranic verses that one should recite at times of different matters to seek Allah’s help.
i) Tranquility Of Mind With Reliance And Remembrance of Allah
Life in this world is not simple as one wishes it to be. Sometimes it offers moments of great joy and makes one suffer from hardships at other times. This is the way of life and ups and downs are part of it. The need is to remain firm on one`s faith in the Ultimate Power of Allah SWT, and getting His Assistance in the moments of adversity.

Say, “Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector.” And upon Allah let the believers rely. [Quran, 9: 51]
The above mentioned Ayah urges a true disciple of Islam to consider every difficulty as a means of trial from the Almighty, and rely on Him all the time for attaining a way out of all kinds of problems. Remembrance of the Most Merciful is another way of getting peace of mind in all sorts of bad times.

Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” [Quran, 13: 28]
So, the staunch devotees of the Religion of Peace always seek Allah`s Support in harsh moments of life through His memory by offering daily prayers and frequently recalling His Name.
ii) Compensation For Every Action Done For Allah
There come times in life when one thinks of its religious and other deeds done for the sake of Allah SWT as being not rewarded. The Islamic ideology regarding this delicate matter tells one to remain positive about its recompense for good actions, as the life on earth is temporary and one could get its return in the hereafter. The Almighty Lord says in the Holy Quran:

[And it will be said], “Indeed, this is for you a reward, and your effort has been appreciated.” [Quran, 76: 22]
It means that there is not a single act of righteousness done by a believer that will go in vain. The Gracious God will eventually give one its incentive for every action that is done in the way of Islam.
iii) Being Grateful For All That Is Given by Allah
It is in human nature that it always looks at others` possession, wealth and delight in different matters of life like social status, relationships etc. and undermining its own position in front of them. The feeling of ingratitude is strictly prohibited by Allah SWT, Who constantly directs His servants to be thankful for what they have in their lives:

“And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah, you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful.” [Quran, 14: 34]
The previously stated Ayah reminds one about many of blessings of the Gracious God that it has been granted throughout its life. And if one would like to calculate the number of good things it has been given by the Almighty Lord, it will never be able to succeed in it. In the end, human being is criticized for its unappreciative temperament as it always remembers its adversity and forgets about the good times. In brief, the number of God`s Favors upon His servants are countless and one should always be in a gratified state in front of Him.
iv) Attainment Of Peace Through Allah`s Happiness
A true believer needs to base its entire life according to the Instructions of Allah SWT and His Messenger ﷺ. Much of the gloom and lack of serenity in life of today`s Muslim is due to negligence from the Islamic commandments. The King of kings says in Quran Majeed:

“By which Allah guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace and brings them out from darkness into the light, by His permission, and guides them to a straight path.” [Quran, 5: 16]
It means that peace in life is tied to accomplishment of deeds in the light of Allah`s Instructions and for sake of His Satisfaction only, which ultimately result in attaining the right path of enlightenment.
v) Mercy of Allah For Those Repenting On Their Sins
Islam is a religion that is completely based on morality and uprightness. There is strict forbiddance about committing sins and wrongdoings in it. But Allah SWT is also the Most Merciful, Who addresses the believers to regularly ask for His Pardon no matter how much they have transgressed from their religious conviction.

“And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness of Allah will find Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” [Quran, 4: 110]
The Most Compassionate knows about the nature of His servants, who more often indulge in the prohibited actions under satanic influence. So, the Almighty Lord directs one to keep requesting for His Mercy and Forgiveness as He never rejects the appeal of His true disciples.
In short, the Holy Quran consists of certain Ayahs which serve as a great means of strengthening of faith in Allah SWT. So, a true believer could get help from such verses of the Sacred Book in rejuvenating its religious beliefs by adhering to the commandments of Islam.