22 Jul 2015
Islamic View On Criticizing Repenting Sinners

Allah SWT has created humans in the most desirable manner which is why they are known as the Supreme Creations. A man is given enough conscious to make its own decisions as the brain of a human being is the most highly developed. But that does not guarantee that they are perfect in every sense.
13 Jul 2015
Eat Dates -They Are Good For You!

Allah SWT has blessed us humans with countless blessings in this world like food, water, shelter and many other enjoyable things. In foodstuff, we have abundant kinds of items that we consume daily like fruits, grains, vegetables, meat and dairy products etc. from which we further eat and drink many forms of delicious meals and
13 Jul 2015
EID Ul-Fitr 2015: Celebrating The Festival

Eid ul-Fitr is a Muslim festival of great zeal and zest which comes on the 1st of the Islamic month of Shawwal ever year at the end of a month long fasting period of Ramadan. This is the time of great celebration and merriment for the true disciples of the Religion of Peace who have
10 Jul 2015
Making The Best Out Of Last Ten Days Of Ramadan

The entire month of Ramadan is the time period of receiving great blessings of Allah SWT and His Mercy in terms of forgiveness of one`s wrongdoings and a means of protection from hellfire. It consists of adaption of such a sanctified routine in the life of a Muslim that it leads to opening of new
09 Jul 2015
Muslim’s Obligations Towards Disbelievers

Being a Muslim is the greatest blessing of Allah SWT on anyone. Every believer has strong faith in the Oneness of the Almighty Lord and is aware of His commandments in both religious and other life matters. Muslims are the most lucky nation of all times as they have been consecrated with the unmatched leadership
06 Jul 2015
How To Best Feed One`s Soul In Islam

The life of a Muslim on earth is not plain and simple as it has to go through a lot of trials and assessments in the shape of Fitnah (committing sins and transgressions from rightful Islamic way). To be able to succeed both in this world and the hereafter, a believer has to achieve much
01 Jul 2015
Productive Ramadan Tips for Those Who Can’t Fast

Those people who do not fast yet are lethargic enough to follow their daily routine fail to understand the true essence of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ritual of fasting to refrain from food, thirst and all negative activities. Some people in the month of Ramadan tend to believe in storing energy for the rest of
26 Jun 2015
Ramadan – The Month of Holy Quran

Quran is the last book of guidance revealed upon Muhammad (PBUH) over the period of 23 years in Ramadan. It delivers guidance to us by providing the scale to differentiate between truth and falsehood. Quran is the only source of guidance, a complete manual for our lives that encourages us to do righteous deeds and
24 Jun 2015
Ramadan: Expectations Vs Reality

Ramadan the month of countless blessings turns into struggle-trial relationship for us when we fail to manage the curve of expectation we set vs the reality curve that we achieve at the end of Ramadan. Prior Ramadan we all set certain goals but in the end it all ends on the battle between us and
23 Jun 2015
Quranic Verses And Ahadith e Rasool About Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of countless blessings, a vital part of Islam to make us better practicing human being in terms of obligation. The concept of Ramadan may have rendered in different countries but Ramadan is the month that closes us to Allah and reveals unto us His clear commandments because this is the month