15 Apr 2015
The Great Importance Of Surah At-Tin (The Fig)

The basic purpose behind sending Prophets among nations by Allah SWT had always been identical, i.e. to bring people towards remembrance of One God and prepare themselves for eternal life through living a righteous life. The Last Messenger of the Creator of the universe, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ holds distinction among rest of His Apostle having
10 Apr 2015
Hazrat Bilal Habshi (R.A) – The First Muezzin In Islam

Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was a black African primarily belonging to the Western Arabia. He was born in Abyssinia, also known as Ethiopia in the 6th Century A.D. His father, Rabah was an Arab and his mother, Hamama was basically an Abyssinian. Both of his parents were in custody of a rich Qureyshi person in Makkah
09 Apr 2015
The Importance, Types And Benefits Of Sadaqah

Goodness is an essential part of human nature. A man feels inner satisfaction through committing virtuous deeds, like lending a little money to the poor and helping out a crippled person on the way etc. Such acts of kindness and compassion are the reasons why mankind still exists on the surface the earth; otherwise it
08 Apr 2015
5 Small Recitals Of Allah`s Glorification With Greatest Rewards

Allah SWT has created human being in the best form, giving it the most excellent senses, skills and abilities which distinguish it from the rest of His Creations. Due to its superiority over other living beings on earth, it is also expected from it to always remember the One Who has produced a man with
07 Apr 2015
The Four Khalifah (Caliphs) Of Islam

A Khalifah was meant to be the successor of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, whose job was to provide Muslims with the most desired leadership according to the commandments of Allah SWT and His Messenger ﷺ. He was not supposed to rule the believers, but only to act as a guiding principle in matters concerning implementation
03 Apr 2015
A Short Biography of Hazrat Usman Ibn Affan (R.A) – Al-Ghani

Hazrat Usman (R.A) was born to a noble family of “Ummayah” belonging to the Makkan tribe of Qureysh, in 573 A.D. The Umawwins had great distinction in Pre Islamic era as in the battle of Fajr, the commander in chief of the entire clan`s army belonged to these people. His ancestral history also matched with
03 Apr 2015
Biography Of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) – As-Siddeeq

Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) was born in a highly respected family of Banu Tamim of the tribe of Qureysh in Makkah in 573 A.D. His name by birth was Abdullah and Abu Bakr was the inherited one. His father was Uthman, commonly known as Abu Quhafa and his mother was Salma, whose patronymic identity was
01 Apr 2015
The Great Importance Of Surah Zalzalah (The Earthquake)

The necessary constituents of Islamic faith are to trust in Oneness of Allah SWT, His Supreme Command over all, and believing in all the Prophets especially the Last One, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. Besides, a true Muslim also knows that its life on the surface of planet earth is temporary and it has to return to
30 Mar 2015
The Virtues, Rewards And Benefits Of Reciting Surah Yasin

The Holy Quran is the 4th and Final Heavenly Manuscript of Allah SWT that He revealed upon His Last Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. It carries instructions and guidelines that act as great source of enlightenment and clarification in various aspects of life, let alone the religious matters. It is the sole Book in the entire
27 Mar 2015
Helpline Call Numbers From Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is a Sacred Book of Allah SWT that is revealed on his Last Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. The believers of this Hallowed Manuscript are generally known as Muslims. It not only consists of stories from the past nations and Prophets, but also has Instructions and Guidelines which are equally applicable to all