Quranic Verses And Ahadith e Rasool About Ramadan
Ramadan is the month of countless blessings, a vital part of Islam to make us better practicing human being in terms of obligation. The concept of Ramadan may have rendered in different countries but Ramadan is the month that closes us to Allah and reveals unto us His clear commandments because this is the month in which Allah revealed Quran on His last messenger PBUH.
Allah has ordered His commandments in Quran in the form of verses words whereas Hadiths are the divinely inspired statements of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) noted by his followers. Only then can we the Muslim, will understand the meanings of this Holy month of Ramadan if we understand the aggregate of Quranic verses and Ahadiths.
Quranic Verses About Ramadan
1. Revelation of Quran
Apart from an obligation to fast in Ramadan, in this month Allah revealed Quran as well. Quran states:
“Ramadan is the (month) in which the Quran was sent down, as a guide to mankind and a clear guidance and judgment (so that mankind will distinguish from right and wrong)” [Quran,2:185]
Quran – a divine complete package sent down in the form of book for over 23years. Quran verses are true Allah’s words that enlighten soul, refine us morally, condemns from all kinds of wrong doings, call for establishing justice and fraternity through obeying Allah as supreme authority of universe.
2. Fasting in Ramadan
Fasting is the ritual observed by Muslims in this Holy month of Ramadan. Fasting is obligatory for all responsible and medically fit Muslim. Allah says in Quran

Oh you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you many learn piety and righteousness” [Quran,2:183]
Fasting is a moral act of willing abstinence from all kind of wrong doings. The purpose of fasting is to teach us the principle of sincere love. It imbues in us the true devotion towards Allah and Islam. Fasting indoctrinates patience and selflessness, embark us with real spirit of unity and equality to gain self-reassurance. In short, fasting changes the complete course of our life.
3. Attain Taqwa
Taqwa is an act of righteousness, fear of Allah and total submission towards Him. Quran says
Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain taqwaa.” (Quran, 2:183)
The level of Taqwa in Ramadan is to give charity (zakat) as much as we can. This act will let us feel the deprived and starved state of the poor and needy ones. Allah has given strong emphasis on the act of Zakat in order to attain Taqwa as stated in Quran

And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience. [Quran,2:43]
Ahadiths About Ramadan
The importance of this month and its blessings are also stated and proved in Ahadiths as well. Ahadiths referred to the following few important points of Ramadan as discussed below.
1. Ramadan – month of forgiveness:
As this month is regarded as Allah’s month hence all the blessings are multiplied including the blessings of Forgiveness. We seek forgives and refuge from hell, repent on our sins with sanguinity that Allah will blessed us with the righteous path as narrated in Imam Bukhari
“When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.”
2. Fasting – gate towards paradise
As fasting is the ritual that covers all the disciplines that refine human body and purify its soul, hence this ritual of fasting has regarded the act to enter paradise.
Abu Umaamah r.a.a. said: I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah (saw), tell me of an action by which I may enter Paradise’. He said: ‘Take to Fasting, there is nothing like it.’ [Imam Nasai’, Ibn Hibbaan, Al-Haakim, Saheeh]
3. Reward for breaking fast of others
The act of charity is highly appreciated and deem rewarded in Islam. It enlightens us with the essence of sharing in order to help the deserved poor ones. Charity importance is obvious from aforementioned Quranic verses but in Ahadiths charity has given the same equal importance as stated
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: He who gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will receive the same reward as him, except that nothing will be reduced from the fasting persons reward.” [Ahmad, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibbaan, Saheeh].
Islam is religion of peace and does not make its followers anti-social rather provides Muslims an opportunity to be the best human being towards fellow Muslims and towards society. Different countries banned the ritual of fasting in their countries result in highlighting the negative image of Islam and its pillars. The only way left to remove this blot is to follow the true commandments of Allah stated in Quran and Sunnah in order to observe this ritual as per Islamic teachings. This will help prevailing the true image and message of Islam